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8 human standards of Tratigroup

Ngày Đăng: 05/10/2023

A business/organization always sets for itself standards including ethical principles and rules that are recognized by everyone to become standards and models to review, evaluate and adjust children's behavior. people in an organization. So Tratigroup is also an organization that cannot lack its own standards. Let's find out what elements Tratigroup's human standards include!

1. Tratigroup promotes PROFESSIONALISM

Whatever Tratigroup people do, they always aim at work efficiency, always maintaining a quick, scientific working style, proficient in professional expertise; self-discipline and autonomy in work. Tratigroup people are always committed to implementing the Group's principles and standards.

2. We RESPECT everyone

People of Tratigroup always properly evaluate and value the honor and interests of others. Tratigroup people are always kind to everyone, do not discriminate, and strictly follow the instructions of their superiors. Respecting others is also the way Tratigroup people respect themselves.

3. Tratigroup values PRESTIGE

People of Tratigroup are always exemplary, always keep their promises and value honor, trying to best complete their assigned tasks. Tratigroup people are positive, sociable, optimistic, and willing to share knowledge and experience with colleagues.

4. Tratigroup is always CONSISTENT

People of Tratigroup do not stand on this mountain looking at that mountain, they have clear political opinions and positions. Tratigroup people always live and work disciplined, without hesitation, persistently and fiercely pursuing their chosen goals to the end.

5. Tratigroup voluntarily DONATE

The people of Tratigroup do not seek personal gain, always work voluntarily and voluntarily with all passion and sense of responsibility. For the company's development, Tratigroup people do not falter in the face of difficulties, actively and proactively seek and implement better solutions.

6. Tratigroup is committed to providing QUALITY products

The people of Tratigroup always believe that product quality is an honor. With passion and enthusiasm, Tratigroup people are committed to bringing customers great experiences on each product and service.

7. Tratigroup Continuous IMPROVEMENT

Innovation for sustainable and lasting development is the message that Tratigroup people remind each other on the path of development. Tratigroup people are always proactive in researching, updating new technology and improving operating processes to provide customers with high quality products at competitive prices.

8. Tratigroup best PROTECTS the Company's resources

Each Tratigroup employee is entitled to use a certain amount of the Company's assets or resources and is responsible for protecting and using them appropriately. Tratigroup people absolutely do not arbitrarily possess the Company's money or assets, nor harm the Company's brand, business secrets, or technological secrets because of their private sharing.

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