
Safety control

Safety control

Safety is the foundation and prerequisite to support successful business operations. This includes promoting care and concern for employees, as well as building relationships to strengthen corporate culture. Tratigroup fully implements policies on labor safety and occupational health

The Group has implemented many policies to provide ways to prevent and ensure labor safety, labor protection for each employee's working conditions, and commit to complying with labor safety standards and regulations. Prepare to handle risky situations that may occur.

Accordingly, each unit must arrange full-time/part-time staff to work on occupational safety to inspect and supervise the contents specified in the Labor Safety Regulations, including:

  • Technical measures for labor safety, fire and explosion prevention and oil spill prevention (if any).
  • Technical measures for occupational hygiene, prevention and control of harmful factors and improvement of working conditions (installation of ventilation systems, dust extraction, lighting, noise barriers, anti-vibration, environmental testing labor,…).
  • Equip and provide personal protective equipment for workers.
  • Taking care of workers' health.
  • Information, propaganda, education, and organization of knowledge and training courses on occupational safety every year.
  • Work safety plans must be established from warehouses and departments upward; At the same time, the opinions of the Executive Committee of the grassroots trade union must be sought and notified for everyone to give their opinions. At the Group level, the Department in charge of OSH is responsible for monitoring and managing OSH activities at facilities and units throughout the industry. Plan and organize training of lecturers in the field of occupational safety according to regulations.